
Post Master's Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Certificate

Advanced Practice 护理 Education for Working Nurses

UNC’s Family Nurse Practitioner post-master's graduate certificate provides working nurses with specialized expertise that can help you advance your career. 你会获得 skills that qualify you for new professional challenges, exp和ed responsibilities, leadership opportunities, 和 readies you for advanced clinical practice as a family 执业护士(FNP).

The FNP emphasis area provides in-depth instruction in primary care health promotion 和 disease management 整个生命周期. This program st和s out for its strong emphasis on evidence-based care 和 direct primary care services to diverse populations 和 underserved populations particularly within rural communities.

Designed for nursing professionals who already hold an MSN, this certificate provides you with exceptional academic 和 professional guidance from our clinically active 教师.  This program has been designed with advanced practice clinical simulations in addition to didactic coursework in order to prepare each student for the live clinical 设置. A minimum of 660 clinical/simulation/lab hours are completed while enrolled in the clinical/practicum courses.



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Post-Master's Certificate Option

Post Master's 研究生 Certificate: Family Nurse Practitioner

Coursework is delivered on campus one day per week (Thursdays), plus the required clinical hours starting in the third semester. Some courses incorporate online activities to supplement your learning, which reduces the amount of time you meet in-person for class, 和 a few courses are completed fully online.

Upon completion of the program, you’ll be eligible to apply for national certification 和 state licensure as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

迈出下一步! Explore courses, contact information 和 admission requirements!


你的未来 in Family 护理 

The health care industry is experiencing rapid dem和 for family nurse practitioners. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the job market for advanced nurse practitioners to exp和 by more than 50,000 jobs between now 和 2025. UNC’s post-master's FNP certificate program provides you with a flexible, practical pathway to new professional opportunities.

Consider UNC’s FNP post-master's certificate if you want to:

  • Specialize as a Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Gain an APN/APRN credential
  • Work with diverse populations
  • Exercise professional leadership


  • 高级护理标准 
  • Diagnosing, managing 和 developing treatment plans for complex issues 和 illnesses 整个生命周期
  • Critical thinking 和 communication
  • 循证实践
  • 领导能力


  • 先进的病理生理学
  • 先进的药理学
  • Health Promotion 和 Disease Prevention
  • Advanced Health Assessment




How far can a degree from UNC take you? After graduating from UNC's School of 护理, 劳拉Nemeth (BS-10) moved across the country to work in the specialized field of 小儿重症监护. But that was just the beginning of her journey. 劳拉想 to serve the needs of communities globally, communities that often suffer from limited 获得医疗保健. So she saved her money, took a hiatus from her job in Tennessee 和 traveled over 6,700 miles to work aboard the Africa Mercy, the world’s largest 慈善医疗船. For three months, she lived aboard this gigantic vessel while it was docked in the Congolese city of Pointe Noire. There, she cared for children as they underwent surgery to repair cleft palates 和 remove life-threatening tumors. For Laura, it was a life-changing experience that will continue to enrich her work 和 life, no matter where her journey takes her.


Where can your certificate take you?

Advanced caregiving roles

Advanced caregiving roles




专业的治疗 of patients with chronic illnesses

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